A large part of what we do here at McLean IT is manage client infrastructure — or put in plainer terms, the servers and networks that support their respective businesses. No two networks are exactly the same, and that’s by design. There are some foundational similarities between them, but as they say, “form follows function”. The exact architecture of any given system of computers dictates unique needs of the business.
That being said, businesses also evolve over time. They expand and contract as market pressures change them, and they can also adapt in unexpected ways as they discover new uses of technology. Take for example the trend of telecommuting which can decrease the overhead associated with office space, made possible through modern IT infrastructure, high-speed internet and ubiquitous mobile devices.
Here at McLean IT, we conduct network design projects in a way that reduces maintenance costs *and* downtime when changes are necessary. By employing modular design principles, we mitigate the effect of a “single point of failure” and make it easier for components and systems to be swapped out, upgraded, or removed without the added downtime and expense traditionally associated with such projects. By taking advantage of automated reporting tools we can respond rapidly to issues even before there are symptoms. And by diligently maintaining documentation, we make sure our clients’ investment is protected throughout its life-cycle.
For more information please call McLean IT today! — 250-412-5050
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